Az Arundo gyökérmosott ex vitro plánta üvegházi ültetésre alkalmas.
Vírusmentes, genetikailag stabil (GMO mentes).
Ez az ex vitro olasznád palánta erős gyökereivel, alkalmas üvegházban a csoportos ültetésre.
Arundo bareroot ex vitro palánta üvegházi ültetésre alkalmas.
Vírusmentes, genetikailag stabil (GMO mentes).
Ez az ex vitro olasznád palánta erős gyökereivel, alkalmas üvegházban az egyedi ültetésre.
We start production once the advance payment is credited to our bank account. The first delivery is expected within 6 months time from the date of the start of production. The delivery will be on a weekly basis. The mutually agreed delivery schedule will be attached to the contract.
The plantation processshould be started when the weather is getting warmer and frequent rainfall is expected (in Continental and Mediterraneanclimates) or when the rainy season is starting (sub-tropical, tropical). You can plant at any time of the yearin semi-arid or arid region if you can solve irrigation.
If we add the production time (6 months) and acclimatization (2 months) you must order at least 8 months prior the plantation season.
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