Sa našom jedinstvenom In Vitro tehnologijom proizvodimo Arundo trsku spremnu za industrijsku upotrebu
Ova tehnoogija je meunarodno zaštićena i patentirana
Prednosti tehnologije rada sa matičnim ćeijama
Skoro neograničena proizvodnja rasadi u In Vitro uslovima sa maksimalnim GARANTOVANIM rezultatima.
- genetski stabilne
- homogene
- jak rasad bez virusa (fitosanitarni sertifikat)
- ekotipovi prilagođeni datim uslovima sredine
- aklimatizovan rasad, spreman za rasađivanje na polju
Prema izveštajima, varijante ARUNDO ekotipovi nemaju klijavo seme.
Ovu sterilnost su temeljno proučavali prof Laszlo Marton i njegov tim u SAD. Sprovođenjem citololoških studija su ustanovili da se obe ćelije muška i ženska gametofita (polen i embrion) razgrađuju tokom procesa cvetanja, kao rezultat toga nema gameta i tako do oplodnje ne može doći. Pošto se u vreme cvetanja ne razvija zrelo seme, onemogućeno je ubičajeno razmnožavanje i udaljena kolonizacija. Ovi limitirajući faktori u razmnožavanju Arundo trske dovode do veoma slabog, može se reći nikakvog prirodnog razmnožavanja te kao takvo i do nastanka novih sorti.

One of a kind
Our micropropagation technology is unique, peerless, state of the art technology based on sustainable embryogenetic and somatogenetic tissue culture. From this, we are able to develop virus free, genetically stable, vigorous, homogenous bare root plantlets on an industrial scale. We guarantee an excellent production standard.

Well protected and developed
Our micropropagation technology is worldwide patented, owned by the University of South Carolina and our company group has the exclusive license to use and utilize the micropropagation technology of Arundo. As we encourage continuous improvement and development, we never stop advancing our technology.

Supporting until the end
Based on request we provide Acclimatization technology and Plantation Management technology descriptions as well. These technologies can be further supported with on-site consultancy, which depends on the ordered quantity or may be provided on request. Once the project comes to an end, we have agrotechnology available for termination of the plantation.

Contact Us
Do not hestitate to get in touch! Send us an email and we will give you a quote.