Biogas Blog
Stay updated with all relevant current affairs within the renewable energy sector and information about Arundo donax.

Biogas Profitability – Investing Into Sustainable Heating
In the early 20th century many daily necessities such as energy, food, fodder, fertiliser and fibres were derived from agricultural biomass. As the 20th and 21st century progressed, however, the traditional role of agriculture in energy supply diminished. Petrol and...
About Biogas: a Future Challenge
Currently biogas plays a smaller, but steadily growing role. Energy recovery from biogas by anaerobic digestion (AD) has been a welcome by-product of sewage sludge treatment for a number of decades. However, biogas has become a well established energy resource,...
Biogas Powerplant: The Potential of Arundo donax
Biogas is an increasingly important biofuel and several feedstocks, such as energy crops, agricultural residues and organic wastes are suitable for producing it. Finding the appropriate feedstock for a biogas powerplant is hard. Nevertheless, the most used biomasses...
Two Types of SILAGE Production: The most effective way of storing Arundo Donax for BIOGAS
Arundo donax is a perennial plant that acts as a perfect replacement for both traditional agricultural- and energy crops to produce biogas, thereby lessening expenses as of its high biogas yield per Ha cultivated and low agronomic and energetic inputs. In order to do...
BIOGAS to ELECTRICITY – fulfilling our energy demand with crops
The technology utilised for biogas production has been around for years. Other than the fact that it is a well-known and established technology, electricity generated of biogas is an eco friendly solution. Unlike other green energy such as wind and solar, biogas can...
Arundo Donax Uses: 8 Ways to Utilise Giant Reed
Arundo Donax (also known as giant reed or giant cane) has a wide range of applications and innumerable advantages compared to other energy crops. This perennial plant grows in different kinds of environments and adapts well to a variety of soils and growing...
Biogas Pre-treatment: Liquid Hot Water or Alkaline for Arundo?
There are various techniques and catalysts that improve the anaerobic digestion process for the Arundo. Biogas pre-treatment can often be combined or distributed separately. This article explores the use of liquid hot water and alkaline as biogas pre-treatments, and...
Effects of Harvest Time and Frequency on Biogas Yield
Achieving the highest possible yield from your energy plantation is an absolute priority for all project owners. Maximising the biomass output has a direct link to the biogas capacity - thus, the cultivation methodology must be perfect. However, the harvest time and...
Arundo: High Biogas Yield at Lower Costs
Whilst the concept of creating biogas from decomposing organic matter has been around since the ancient Persians, it is with the increased fear from climate change that we have witnessed an upsurge of biogas plants. Whilst biogas is praised for being reliable,...