About Us
Plant Arundo, Harvest Energy
- We envision a clean and sustainable environment for our current community and the future generations alike.
- With the utilisation of marginal lands and creating energy plantations, Arundo is the solution to provide biomass for the bioenergy sector.
- We aspire to become the number one supplier of Arundo plantlets for the renewable energy solutions on a global scale.
Environmental protection is at the heart of our activity and we are committed to the principles of sustainable development. Let’s work together for both our Earth and energy independence.
Sándor Pákozdi | CEO, Managing Director

About Us
Plant Arundo, Harvest Energy
- We envision a clean and sustainable environment for our current community and the future generations alike.
- With the utilisation of marginal lands and creating energy plantations, Arundo is the solution to provide biomass for the bioenergy sector.
- We aspire to become the number one supplier of Arundo plantlets for the renewable energy solutions on a global scale.
Environmental protection is at the heart of our activity and we are committed to the principles of sustainable development. Let’s work together for both our Earth and energy independence.
Sándor Pákozdi | CEO, Managing Director

Supplying high-quality, genetically stable, homogenous and virus-free plantlets on an industrial scale, fully satisfying our customers’ needs
Research and develop new, elite Arundo varieties that enable the utilization of marginalized and saline lands by virtue of their ecophysiological traits
Develop planting and cultivation technologies for secure and economical biomass production
Arundo BioEnergy
- We are a biotechnology company using worldwide patented, state of the art micro-propagation technology, enabling us to produce genetically stable, high quality, virus free Arundo plantlet on an industrial scale.
- We have different ecotypes of Arundo suitable for a wide range of climate conditions like continental, mediterranean, subtropical, tropical, semi-arid, etc.
- We are an innovative company, putting a lot of focus and energy on research to develop new ecotypes acclimatised to different conditions.
- We have dedicated staff to provide professional support to our customers.

Prof. Dr. habil. László Simon
External Research Leader
Departmental Head of Agricultural Sciences and Environmental Management, University of Nyíregyháza
Dr. Simon is one of our leading professors researching Arundo cultivation on marginal lands and utilisation specifically in the field of phytoremediation.

Oleg Volovik
International Regional Representative in Central Asia
Many years of experience in co-operation with Government and State departments, commercial companies and public organisations in the field of export sales, business development, marketing innovations and strategic planning within the water resources and energy industries.
Take a look at the locations of our previous projects, where we have supplied our clients with excellent quality Arundo plantlets for their successful plantations over the years.
We offer ecotypes for most climates:
- Tropical Climate
- Continental Climate
- Mediterranean Climate
- Semi-Arid Climate
and other saline and salt tolerant Arundo lines